greetings, my name is imode.
after some thought and some pressing by friends,
I've started this site to host some projects.
it's also the home of my new blog, which you're
currently reading.
I tend to keep things short.
I enjoy writing weird things and talking about
interesting topics in technology. I have several
projects which will be visible on the site within
a few days.
the first project is a static mirror of the c2 wiki,
an inspirational base of information and discussion
that's been around since 1995. Ward Cunningham has
decided to migrate the site to a platform that he
calls "federated wiki".
I'm not a fan.
so, under projects, you'll find a fully static mirror.
I'm working on converting it to HTML, but for now,
it's entirely in WikiWikiWeb's markup. it's still readable.
posted on: 2016-10-25