Aaron Gray ---- Programmer, software engineer and amateur computer scientist. I am biased toward object oriented programming and have an interest in functional programming. My main languages are C, and C++. I know 80x86 assembler, and like programming in assembler. And I knw a bit of Java, ML, and Hope. My main interest is Meta Systems, and Languages. I am working on my own object oriented language called SOOL, for Simple/Sophisticated Object Oriented Language, with OOF the Object Oriented Framework. And an OS I call OOOS. These are still in conception phase. I am toying with a language I call FOOL which is an object oriented unctional language. Other areas of interest are parser and language theory. I have probably the best collection of Linux kernel and programming links on the web :- ----- ''Welcome, if you haven't yet, check out NewUserPages and TourBusStop'' ---- CategoryHomePage