Here is another one, from The problem: Write a function foo that takes a number n and returns a function that takes a number i, and returns n incremented by i. Note: (a) that's number, not integer, (b) that's incremented by, not plus. Solutions from the link: C++: template struct Acc { Acc(T n) : n(n) {} template Acc(const Acc& u) : n(u.n) {} template T operator()(U i) { return n += i; } T n; }; template Acc foo(T n) { return Acc(n); } C++11: template auto foo(T n) -> std::function { return [=](T i) mutable -> T {return n += i;}; } Dylan: define function foo (n) method (i) n := n + i end; end function; E: def foo (var n) :any { def inc (i) :any { n += i } } Erlang: foop(N)-> receive {P,I}-> S =N+I, P!S, foop(S) end. foo(N)-> P=spawn(foo,foop,[N]), fun(I)-> P!{self(),I}, receive V->V end end. Haskell: import IOExts foo n = do r <- newIORef n return (\i -> do modifyIORef r (+i) readIORef r) Javascript: function foo (n) { return function (i) { return n += i } } Lisp: Arc: (def foo (n) [++ n _]) Lisp: Common Lisp: (defun foo (n) (lambda (i) (incf n i))) Lisp: Goo: (df foo (n) (op incf n _)) Lisp: Scheme: (define (foo n) (lambda (i) (set! n (+ n i)) n)) Lua: function foo(n) return function (i) n = n + i return n end end Maple: foo := proc(n) local s; s := n; proc(i) s := s + i end end Mathematica: foo = Module[{s=#},s+=# &] & Mozart: fun {Foo N} A = {NewCell N} in fun {$ B} C D in {Exchange A C D} if {IsInt C} andthen {IsFloat B} then D = {IntToFloat C}+B elseif {IsFloat C} andthen {IsInt B} then D = C+{IntToFloat B} else D = C+B end {Access A} end end NewtonScript: foo := func (n) func (i) n := n + i ; Perl 5: sub foo { my ($n) = @_; sub {$n += shift} } PHP: function foo(&$n) { return function($i)use(&$n) { return $n += $i; }; } Python: class foo: def __init__(self, n): self.n = n def __call__(self, i): self.n += i return self.n Rebol: foo: func [ n ] [ func [ i ] [ n: n + i ] ] Ruby: def foo (n) lambda {|i| n += i } end Smalltalk: foo: n |s| s := n. ^[:i| s := s + i. ] VBScript: Class acc Private n Public Default Function inc(i) n = n + i inc = n End Function End Class Function foo(n) Dim bar Set bar = New acc bar(n) Set foo = bar End Function