From PythonTranslator, GabrieleRenzi raises the question of how to do (implementation of Amb is found in AmbInRuby): amb = a, b, c, d ={amb.choose 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 } if tot == a * b * c * d puts "#{tot} == #{a} * #{b} * #{c} * #{d}" else end if tot == a * b * c puts "#{tot} == #{a} * #{b} * #{c} " else end gives: 105 == 1 * 3 * 5 * 7 105 == 1 * 3 * 7 * 5 105 == 1 * 5 * 3 * 7 105 == 1 * 5 * 7 * 3 105 == 1 * 7 * 3 * 5 105 == 1 * 7 * 5 * 3 105 == 3 * 1 * 5 * 7 105 == 3 * 1 * 7 * 5 105 == 3 * 5 * 1 * 7 105 == 3 * 5 * 7 * 1 105 == 3 * 5 * 7 ''This appears to be truncated...'' For your amusement - AmbInPython. It could be made a lot more robust, but hey - it works without needing call/cc which is good because generators give me enough of a headache as it is, and anyway, only StacklessPython has continuations ;-): ---- '' Actually, that's not true anymore. As of Python 2.5, generators are now equivalent to coroutines. Since you can build continuations on top of coroutines, you can say Python 2.5+ has continuations. '' '' OTOH, I don't know that anyone's actually written call/cc for Python yet. Come to think of it, it was probably possible in earlier versions by hacking sys._getframe. Hmm... ContinuationsInPython anyone?'' ''--PaulMiller (a loyal pythonista)'' The argument: '''I can build X in Y therefore I have X in Y''' fails. Beware the TuringTarpit, where it is possible to say anything but nothing of interest is easy to say. Language support for any feature, including continuations, implies a degree of syntactic simplicity in achieving it. ---- import random class Amb(object): def __init__(self, choices=[], constraints=[], n=1, msg="%s", error = "Failed!"): random.shuffle(choices) # Non-determinism ;-) self.choices = choices self.constraints = constraints self.n = n self.msg = msg self.error = error def __iter__(self): fail = True for choice in self.choose(self.choices, self.n): if False not in [c(choice) for c in self.constraints]: if self.n == 1: choice = choice[0] yield choice fail = False if fail: raise ValueError def choose(self, choices, n): if n == 0: yield [] else: for i in range(len(choices)): for c in self.choose(choices[:i] + choices[i+1:],n-1): if isinstance(choices[i],Amb): try: for elem in choices[i]: yield [elem] + c except ValueError: pass else: yield [choices[i]] + c def format(self, msg, item): try: return msg%(item) except TypeError: try: return msg%tuple(item) except TypeError: print msg, item def get_one(self): for item in self: return self.format(self.msg, item) def __str__(self): try: return "\n".join([self.format(self.msg, item) for item in self]) except ValueError: return self.format(self.error, self.choices) import operator def printchoices(n, total, choices): print Amb(choices, [lambda item: total==reduce(operator.mul,item)], n, "%s == "%total + "%s" + " * %s" * (n-1), "Can't multiply %s elements of "%n+"%s"+" to get %s."%total, ) mylist = [1,2,3,5,7] printchoices(4, 105, mylist) printchoices(3, 105, mylist) printchoices(2, 105, mylist) print "---" w = Amb(["oo", "or", "og"]) x = Amb(["foo", "bar", "baz", "fob"]) y = Amb(["foe", "baf", "baz", "boaz","oaz"]) z = Amb(["o", "e", "i"]) print Amb([w,x,y,z], [lambda (a,b,c):(a+b).replace(c,"") == "fbaz"], n=3, msg="found: %s %s %s", error="No combinations match.") print "---" x = Amb(range(10)) y = Amb(range(10)) z = Amb(range(10)) a = Amb([x,y,z], [lambda (a,b,c): (0