Someone too humble to demand recognition for every contribution. One who is happy for their words to be subsumed into the whole. One who by definition does not want to be a "hero". ''who says?'' I do. --WikiWiki ''To see oneself as an AnonymousHero is a dangerous concept. It might encourage an AnonymousCoward to see oneself as a hero and thus reinforce irresponsible behavior. On the other hand, there may be situations where anonymity is the better choice, for the sake of the contributor, their friends, and perhaps even the wider community. Furthermore, some folks don't see anonymity as cowardice.'' An anonymous hero is also someone who acts anonymously '''in the good of wiki, in the good of the community''' before any bad blood starts. An anonymous hero is also a fair, impartial, kind and polite (but '''firm''') wiki gnome who separates opponents before they get into a flame war. WikiGnome''''''s are truly anonymous heroes and their actions must be praised and encouraged. ---- ''"To be anonymous and do good is perhaps better than to do good and be known for it"'' -- DonaldNoyes 20060826 Either way good is done, which is the main thing. Those who do good deeds seldom do so for the sake of recognition. Recognition gives to the doer far less than what is received in only doing the good. ----- See also AnonymousCoward, UsingSignatures ---- OpenSource believes in the AnonymousHero. ---- CategoryDramaticIdentity CategoryWikiUser