'''AntHill Feature List''' http://www.urbancode.com/projects/anthill/features.jsp '''Basic''' * Support for multiple projects * Temporal scheduling of project builds * Ability to manually initiate a build '''User Interface''' * Web based user interface allows configuration of entire system (no need to manually edit configuration files) * Convenient list of all projects and color coded results of their last builds (succeeded/failed) on the main page * Project intranet with javadocs, junit test results, metrics, and downloadable artifacts '''Version Control Systems Support''' * CVS (Concurrent Versions System) * Perforce * PVCS * Subversion * VSS * StarTeam * MKS '''Version Control System Interaction''' * AntHill performs checkout or sync of project sources * AntHill obtains log of revisions since last good build * AntHill optionally applies a label with the current project version number '''Ant Builder''' * AntHill can execute any Ant build script to build the project * No intrusion into the build script * Use same build script to build locally and to build with Anthill * Optional publish Ant script * Ability to specify build target * Ability to pass in extra Ant properties * Ability to specify JVM options like -Xms and -Xmx '''Inter-project Dependencies''' * Dependency groups allow inter-project dependencies * All dependent projects rebuild automatically when a new version of a dependency is available '''Email Build Notification''' * AntHill sends out emails informing interested parties of build results * Customizable email template includes links to build logs and project intranet * Receive emails for every build or only failed builds '''Audits''' * Build logs for every build of every project * Revision logs listing VCS changes since last good build for every project