Anthony is a C++ developer working for IBM Global Services in the UK. Anthony has worked on several C++ projects, predominately within the Air Traffic Management Industry, but is currently part of a team developing the back end of an e-commerce website.

Through his work on a large scale C++ project, Anthony became very interested in the issues involved with such an undertaking. The books 'Effective C++' & 'More Effective C++' by ScottMeyers, 'Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms' by JamesCoplien and, most significantly, 'Large-Scale C++ Software Design' by JohnLakos took his understanding to new levels. His thanks to the aforementioned.

Anthony is currently interested in Refactoring and has teamed up with a colleague StuartBarker to look into its use in ExtremeProgramming and a possible RefactoringBrowserForJava.

Anthony can be contacted by