An early HandHeld PersonalDigitalAssistant that pre-dated PalmPilot but had many devoted users. Monochrome and fairly big, only dial-up networking in those days but had handwriting recognition that was sophisticated even by today's standards. Was discontinued in the late 1990s. Programmed in NewtonScript, a dialect of SelfLanguage. Once you learned the object framework, it was a joy to hack on. One could decompile the bytecode of any app with ViewFrame, even those in ROM, and get a fully indented symbolic listing. ''This made it possible for me to write some glue to play a chess program for it called Deep Green on the internet chess servers. Mmmm.... geeky! -- IanOsgood'' An underground development community has come up with useful items such as PcCard Ethernet and WiFi drivers. There are still yearly World-Wide Newton Conferences. In 2006, they introduced an emulator for the Newton hardware that allows running the Newton Os on Linux based handhelds like the Zaurus or Nokia 770. * * * Did you know you can run a web server on your Newton? Here is a dynamically served screenshot from such a server (note the familial resemblance with the current MacOsx dock.) * ---- CategoryHandheld