If "Agile" is popular around your company, feel free to send the following quiz around as an email.



"Agile" development is quite a buzzword these days -- if your project manager has structured work to following a development process based on XP, Scrum, Crystal, UP or MSF then you may be following an Agile method, but Agile itself is not a development process -- it is a set of principles.

Do you have Agile principles?
For each of the following items, please rate them as (M) more valuable, (V) valuable, or (N) not valuable at all.
Complete your rating before checking the scoring below.

	1. Individuals and interactions
	1. Working software
	1. Customer collaboration
	1. Responding to change
	1. Processes and tools
	1. Comprehensive documentation
	1. Contract negotiation
	1. Following a plan

Remember -- complete your ratings before checking the scoring below.




Scoring is very simple, for items 1-4 score M=2, V=1 and N=0, for items 5-8 score M=1, V=2 and N=0. If you score a perfect 16, then feel free to sign the AgileManifesto at http://agilemanifesto.org/.

Idea: Applying the Agile principles to business, OpenBusiness, ExtremeOpenBusiness:

	1. Individuals and interactions
	1. Working tools including software
	1. Customer collaboration
	1. Responding to change
	1. Processes and tools
	1. Comprehensive documentation 
	1. Contract negotiation (in form of transparent open negotiations)
	1. Following a plan

-- FridemarPache

