''Are Your Lights On'' by DonaldGause and GeraldWeinberg http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0932633161.01._PE_PI_SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg (ISBN 0932633161), a new spin on problem solving; spend more defining the problem than attempting to solve it! Actually, for my money, anything Gerry writes is worth getting; writing one great book is an achievement, but 30? Thanks, Gerry. -- StewartBaird ---- ''After the "No matter how it looks at first, it's always a people problem." insight, what more can be said?'' Seriously, are there any quotable quotes out from this book? I live in a country where I cannot browse a lot of the books at bookstore, and have already exhausted my book budget long ago, are there any scraps to share? ---- ''spend more defining the problem than attempting to solve it'' Sounds like TestDrivenDevelopment to me! :-) ---- Any time you solve one problem you create another - until you have thought of five possible problems you are about to create, you don't understand the original problem. It's a great book. ---- CategoryBook