''How we do this is one of the most important things done in the process of discovery. '' ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20101222 ---- Essay * HowToAskQuestionsTheSmartWay ** http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html. Examples: * ClearRequirements (Clarification) ** ''An apparent benefit of UserStories over 'good' old-fashioned, more or less clear requirements is that no-one expects UserStories to be the complete answer, even if they are more than just SomethingToThinkAbout.'' * Commerce ** BusinessRequirementQuestions * PatternMiningThread (Dialogue) ** Does this mean that you believe in some radical alternative, like thinking about the problems of software in abstracto and then declaring the solution as a pattern? ** ''Should these patterns be written by someone with no real software experience (such as the folks at SEI? '' ** ''I shouldn't say things like that in public - pretend I didn't])? '' ** ''Or should it be the authors of the code, authors of code that has fared well and been maintainable and demonstrated other good qualities, such as QWAN?'' ** ''Wouldn't that, then, be like mining patterns? And (oh, just write it!) isn't that what I suggested? '' ---- Related * Question Queries (Searching) this topic ** This wiki *** http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?search=question ** Internet *** http://www.google.com/search?q=%22asking+questions%22+answer+OR+answers+OR+discovery&hl=en&rlz=1I7RNTN_en&num=20&lr=lang_en&ft=i&cr=&safe=images&tbs= ---- Thread ... ---- CategoryRequirements