Dear MarkDilley, dear friends of WardsWiki as you know the Wiki of the inventor WardCunningham, you might appreciate a BookMarklet that allows you to write anywhere in the Web your text contribution (posting, comment, (micro-) blog, document) with a WikiTitle and WikiWord s, copy and BiLink it with a corresponding value enriched WikiPage. In this case we choose (imho) the most favorable Wiki for accumulating CollectiveIntelligence :-) I am going to publish a special BookMarklet (alc2) that converts your text immediately in the browser view into a clickable WikiLike text. The bookmarklet additionally supports, * lowerCamelCase with numbers for different programming languages * German Umlaute If you want to write a C2Compatible contribution anywhere in the Web, then restrict yourself to classical CamelCase as used in WardsWiki. The Licence for alc2 is CcBySa, using the same licence as the WikiPedia. Here it is (but you have to clean up from spurious insertions, we need something like ...) : javascript:function alc2(){var WikiMap = ['',''],i,j,k,len,llen,link,linkpatt,linkText,linkTextArray=[],msg,myArray,node,txt,href,a,reg,span,lastLastIndex,textNodeXpath,textNodes;textNodeXpath='.//text()[not(ancestor::a) and not(ancestor::head)and not(ancestor::option) and not(ancestor::textarea)]';textNodes=document.evaluate(textNodeXpath,document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null);len=textNodes.snapshotLength;reg=/^\s+$/g;linkpatt=/\b(?:([a-z0-9äöü]*(?:[A-ZÄÖÜ_]|_)[a-z0-9äöü_]*){2,})\b/g;for(i=0;i