More of a question than anything. Has anyone thought about how to combine BackLink lookups into a search? It would be very cool. ''Can you elaborate what you mean by that?'' Sure. I'm of the mind that the most powerful feature in a wiki is backlinking through the titles. Along with free for all editing of course. So what I would like to be able to do is take the Union or Difference of two or more backlink sets. I'm thinking about a non ugly way of doing in a search field, as I've got my own wiki, maybe: [b:Kung'Foo U b:Foo'Bar] or to avoid bracketing: [U: b:Kung'Foo b:Foo'Bar] Of course I'd rather think of a smart way to do it through links. Half the value of backlinks is that they don't require typing. Maybe building your own pages as queries. ---- You could implement these QueryPages the same way you'd implement InterMap functionality to talk to Google. So you'd have a NameSpace, let's say "qp:" followed by a comma separated list of WikiName''''''s. In other words qp:JavaThree,CsharpVsJava would give you a dynamically generated page listing the union/intersection of the backlinks for those two WikiName''''''s.--AdewaleOshineye