"''Ben, AreYouThere''''''?, This page was last edited 24 October 2000, (this tag added 11 November 2010) (''''''OrphanPage'''''').''" -- SamDisanto ---- Ben Richards works for AG Communication Systems in Phoenix, AZ, and was illuminated by JimCoplien at a Pattern Writing Workshop that he and BobHanmer consented to put on here. I work in the General Processor Unit group which worries itself about GTE's cash register. That is, we handle billing data that is generated by the GTD-5 EAX central office telephone switch. DonOlson runs around here somewhere, and made quite an impact with his HandsInView pattern. I graduated from the University of Illinois at CU (BA '91, MS '94), but never had the fortune to work with RalphJohnson while there. I was lucky enough to attend his Patterns course during ISSS this year, and gained another perspective on patterns that's not quite as wacky (wiki?) as Cope's. I can be contacted at richardb@agcs.com for business purposes, or at benoba@indirect.com for silly mischief. ---- CategoryHomePage