''An idiomatic nickname for InternationalBusinessMachines.'' ---- Anyone seen reports of companies replacing (not supplementing) BigBlue setup with Java, Microsoft or another setup in order to reduce development and operation costs for computing? Is it still a PipeDream? Have there been credible studies taken to assess cost effectiveness of such undertakings? ---- '''Online Resources regarding BigBlue''' Anyone know of good online forums for developers? Looking for one that preferably is not vendor managed. ---- '''BigBlue vs MicrosoftCorporation''' Back in the days when BigBlue was the number 1 company, it helped MicrosoftCorporation get started with MSDOS on its IBMPC. Around 1990 the two companies started to go separate ways when MS launched its WindowsOperatingSystems v3. The rest is history. : Never quite understood that phrase - "The rest is history". It seems to me that it's ''all'' history ... : ''Use the phrase when giving oral history, as "the rest is (written) history"...'' -- JerryAndrews ''Now in mid 2004, there are news that BigBlue is helping to provide a technical solution to lessen MicrosoftCorporation stranglehold on desktops. See Financial Times article at http://news.ft.com/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=FT.com/StoryFT/FullStory&c=StoryFT&cid=1083180368074'' ---- I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "Noone ever got fired for buying Blue". Never fails to evoke a sigh of despair from me. ---- CategoryIdiom CategoryComputerCompany