An AntiPattern. * All developer estimates are considered too big because developers are considered slackers or simply lazy. * Managers can't realize if the estimates have too much slack or too little, so they always cut the time by half. * If the new estimate is achieved, then the manager considers he has done a great job, because he has actually reduced the cost in half. * If the new estimate is not achieved, then the manager considers he has done a great job, because the developer has hurried up. The logic is that if the developer hurries up obviously the cost will be smaller. Therefore * Even managers know to ask for twice the time required to do any task, so that exactly the time required is scheduled by upper management. If a reduced estimate is ever met, the next time the reduction will be even larger. This dynamic system goes over and over. This is part of MakeOthersBecomeIncompetent. See NegotiateEstimates