Film at eleven! Wikizens can you tell our viewers what the big events of 2008 were? -- CritiqueOfIntentionalProgramming 20090129 * December 2008: Apple and Microsoft merge, announce plans to create a H''''''ardwareSoftwareComputingArtifact that works all the time and when it doesn't, instead of displaying the blue screen of death, will display an apple with two bytes taken out of it, which when mouse clicked upon, causes a process to begin which restores the machine automatically, after fixing the thing that caused it to appear. When it is fixed and (this make take a little time) it displays the apple with only one byte) and puts you where you intended to be. (Implements: do what i mean, not what i say computing) Announced date available -- 20100401. * November 2008: Nothing particularly important happend this month. * October 2008: Computer manufacturers come up with a plan which allows you to subscribe for a computer. You pay a monthly fee which allows you to use the computer you first buy at a 90 % discount for two years and at that time replace it (free) with one with state of the art hardware and software (when you sign up again for the next two years). This would include three different platforms: Home, Business, and Enterprise. If you choose not to upgrade you keep the computer as is, and no longer pay a subscription fee monthly. (When the automobile industry hears this, they announce a similar plan which include auto and gasoline at a fixed (discounted) rate and fixed maximum mileage. You pay pump prices for gasoline beyond the maximum and receive a rebate for gasoline not used) This scheme is announced under the buzzword name of H''''''olisticFinancing. * September 2008: A large paper company announces plans for planting trees in land which is made available due to Climate change. A Farmers cooperative is formed in Greenland. The United Nations announces de-desertization program for Sahara to be completed 2015. * August 2008: Yahoo and Amazon merge and announce plans for the acquisition of rights to sell home personal viewing rights for any of the films, videos or videocast rights it owns or will come to own. It starts with 25000 movies 10000 videos and 520 videocasts. * July 2008: New process for converting coal into Gasoline, Heating Oil, and Natural Gas is announced. Dependency on Foreign Oil to be reduced to zero in the coming three years. Construction of plants takes initially 18 months and utilizes Atomic Energy as conversion power source. 100 plants are announced to built in the first two years. Economic boom which affects (positively) the whole world. * June 2008: .... * May 2008: .... * April 2008: Congress declares Soccer to be the National Sport and Washington DC is to have a team called the "Senators".(1) * March 2008: Google acquires YouTube and renames it G''''''oogleEye. * February 2008: .... * January 2008: W''''''ikiTimeMachine invented. The future is prolog and the WikiNow takes on new meaning. ---- Notes: (1) Once upon a time the Washington Senators was a ''baseball'' team; it became the Minnesota Twins. ---- CategoryHumor (and AmericanCulturalAssumption, so far)