One of the '''BoostLibraries''' A brilliant example of the power of Static Typing. An extensible framework for compile-time dimensional analysis in C++ with no runtime overhead. Example: /// the ideal gas law in si units template quantity idealGasLaw(const quantity& P, const quantity& V, const quantity& T) { using namespace boost::units::si; #if BOOST_UNITS_HAS_TYPEOF using namespace constants::codata; return (P*V/(R*T)); #else return P*V/(8.314472*(joules/(kelvin*mole))*T); #endif // BOOST_UNITS_HAS_TYPEOF } Which is used as follows: /// test ideal gas law quantity T = (273.+37.)*kelvin; quantity P = 1.01325e5*pascals; quantity r = 0.5e-6*meters; quantity V = (4.0/3.0)*3.141592*pow<3>(r); quantity n(idealGasLaw(P,V,T)); Note that defining the base units is sufficient to use any plausible derived unit. See also StaticTypeSafety ---- CategoryBoost CategoryCpp CategoryCppTemplates CategoryMetaprogramming