The last time I wrote a BubbleSort was 1993 for my then-husband. He had written an index of all the dead people in Pembina County, North Dakota, (he's into genealogy) and he needed to sort the pile in alphabetical order. So I sat down in front of my Amstrad PCW and wrote a bubble sort in BasicLanguage. Before that, I'm sure I must have written a bubble sort in FortranLanguage in 1978. I posted my PythonLanguage code on the BubbleSort page. It felt so strange to write it in Python, I think because in Python I'm accustomed to iterating without being aware of the index of the current list element, or even the length of the list. Writing the bubble sort, I had to force myself to think about counters and indices. And then it took me a day to notice I had a couple FencePostError''''''s. That's what I get for forgetting to CodeUnitTestFirst! -- ElizabethWiethoff You realize, of course, that "this means war", as Daffy Duck was fond of saying: you have implicitly created a new programming challenge! I.e. writing BubbleSort in a natural way in a language more powerful than BasicLanguage/FortranLanguage, where focus on indices and lengths is somewhat unnatural. I hadn't thought about it before, but offhand I would think that MergeSort would be the most natural sort for such languages, given DivideAndConquer over chunks (and not needing to worry about extra allocation -- MergeSort requiring O(n) space), but the challenge would be to take the natural MergeSort and distort it into a natural BubbleSort. Extra credit for distorting QuickSort into Bubblesort. :-) * Sounds like an AbstractionInversion (after all Perl already has array sorting capability). * ''There are any number of criticisms you could make about it, but that's missing the point that we're just talking about a toy exercise, like EightQueensInManyProgrammingLanguages. Surely you don't think we're talking about using BubbleSort for a serious application?'' I'm the kind of algorithm geek such that I implemented the new (a few years old, but not all that well known) RobertSedgewick/JonBentley improvements to QuickSort as soon as I heard about it. Not because I'm a sorting expert, but because I was so impressed. I'm also the kind of geek that is highly impressed with things like the very impressive MultiplyAndSurrender. :-) It's lovely, in an utterly warped, twisted, deviant way. I admire the creativity involved. BTW I remember at least 3 times that I tried but couldn't remember how to do BubbleSort; I think this must mean that there's something about BubbleSort that is unnatural, even though (like most things) it's obvious in retrospect once one refreshes one's memory. That's not the same as natural. -- DougMerritt FYI: Amazon says ''MasteringAlgorithmsWithPerl'' presents a "dozen or so sorting algorithms." Thanks to you, Earle, I'm rereading ''MasteringAlgorithmsWithCee''... Now, later, I'm reading ''MasteringAlgorithmsWithPerl''. BubbleSort is covered in the Perl book, but not the C book. -- ElizabethWiethoff ---- BubbleSort lines of text using PerlLanguage RegularExpression operations, not an array: $_ = < 0 ; end def swap_with_prev self.prev, self.cur = self.cur, self.prev end def swap(other_step) self.cur, other_step.cur = other_step.cur, self.cur end # Moves to the next position in the array. def to_next @index += 1 return self end # Any methods not responded to by the stepper # are passed through to the current element # object. def method_missing(sym, *args) cur.send(sym, *args) end def respond_to?(sym) super || cur.respond_to?(sym) end # Starts before the first element, and # repeatedly moves to the next, passing the # stepper to the supplied block. # The "each" iterator of a clone of the stepper # proceeds from the subsequent item to the end. def each yield(to_next) while has_next? end end module A''''''rrayStepping # Any method call names beginning with # stepper_... generate a new stepper, then # use the remainder of the method name as a # call to the stepper with yield. def method_missing(sym, *args) ( match = /^stepper_/.match(sym.to_s) ) || ( return super ) stepper = A'''''' stepper.send(match.post_match.to_sym, *args) {|*a| yield *a } end end class Array include A''''''rrayStepping end def bubble_sort!(array) loop do ( array.stepper_inject(false) do |again, st| next ( st.has_prev? and st.prev > st ? (st.swap_with_prev ; true) : again ) end ) || break end return array end def selection_sort!(array) array.stepper_each do |i| i.clone.each do |j| i.swap(j) if i > j end end return array end - SteveJorgensen ---- Obligatory ForthLanguage version: : Perl s" Perl" ; : Python s" Python" ; : Ruby s" Ruby" ; : JavaScript s" JavaScript" ; : Java s" Java" ; : Fortran s" Fortran" ; : C s" C" ; : C++ s" C++" ; : Basic s" Basic" ; : Pascal s" Pascal" ; : Lisp s" Lisp" ; create pointers ' Perl , ' Python , ' Ruby , ' JavaScript , ' Java , ' Fortran , ' C , ' C++ , ' Basic , here ' Pascal , ' Lisp , constant penultimate : name @ execute ; ''resolve a table entry to a name string'' : swp >r r@ @ r@ cell+ @ swap r@ cell+ ! r> ! ; ''swap adjacent table entries'' : pair dup name rot cell+ name ; ''two adjacent names'' : arrange dup pair compare 0> if swp exit then drop ; : bubble penultimate begin 2dup u> if 2drop exit then ''bubbles from end of list towards the beginning.'' dup arrange [ 1 cells ] literal - again ; : sort pointers begin dup penultimate u> if drop exit then dup bubble cell+ again ; : e dup name type space cell+ ; : show pointers e e e e e e e e e e e drop cr ; ''display current table state'' : demo show sort show ; demo --SamuelFalvo ---- java-like version at ProofAnnotationsForBubbleSort. ---- CategoryAlgorithm SortingAlgorithms