''The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet: The Lifelong Solution to Yo-Yo Dieting'' by Richard F. Heller and Rachael F. Heller http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0451173392.01._PE_PI_SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg [ISBN 0451173392] AddictedToCoke? Candy bars? Or pasta maybe? Are you overweight? Carbs and overweight may be more connected than you previously thought. I eat plenty of carbs, yet remain on the border of being under-weight. Thousands of years ago, meat was a luxury and carbs (bread/grains) were a dietary staple. I think PortionControl is the bigger problem with food (not just carbs). -- WillGray ---- See CarbohydrateAddiction. ----- Links: *[http://icarbohydrate.com/ The Low Carb User Site] ---- CategoryBook CategoryWorkEnvironment