The '''Open''' construct is currently in vogue. There are several such models: *OpenAdaptor *OpenAdaptorXml *OpenAuthor *OpenBooksProject *OpenBsd *OpenClosedPrincipleAndXp *OpenCola *OpenContent *OpenDirectoryProject *OpenDoc *OpenFirmware *OpenGenera *OpenGl *OpenImplementation *OpenJava *OpenKnowledge *OpenMarkets *OpenMetis *OpenMinds *OpenOffice ** ''This isn't a model, it's application software.'' *OpenSceneGraph *OpenSets ** ''This isn't a model, it's an object in topology.'' *OpenSocieties *OpenSociety *OpenSoftware *OpenSource *OpenSpaces *OpenStep *OpenText *OpenTransaction *OpenUniversity ** ''Er, this isn't a model, it's a University.'' *OpenVms *OpenWiki *OpenWizardAssistants *OpenWizardry *OpenWorkspace *OpenXpProcess ---- I don't know who created this page, but it seems pretty useless, not to mention inaccurate. DeleteUnlessDefended? ---- CategoryCategory CategoryUselessCategory