The Palm OS operating system -- An embedded OS for PDAs and Smart Phones * PalmOs * PalmPilot - Obsolete name for Palm devices * PalmSource - Keeper of the PalmOs (formerly part of PalmInc) * PalmOne - Maker of PalmOs devices (formerly part of PalmInc) * PalmTungsten series - made by PalmOne * HandspringVisor - Obsolete product of Handspring * HandspringTreo - Product lin ecreated by handspring, now part of PalmOne Programming on the Palm: * OoEnvironmentForPalm * PocketSmalltalk * HandheldBasic * JavaOnThePalm * PalmPython, PipPy * QuartusForth (see also SleeplessNightWiki) * LispMe including a LispMeObjects package * MetroWerks includes the PalmObjectLibrary, For pre PalmOs 6 develpment only * TinyLogo Other relevant links/pages: * PalmOsWikis, WikiOnPda * QuikWriting is an alternative input system to PalmGraffiti * IsAnythingBetterThanPaper * AvantGo * SiteScooper * PluckerSoftware * PalmGraffiti ---- CategoryPlatform CategoryCategory