Click the title to see all pages about LanguageOrientedProgramming and the ThelopLanguage. ---- When I started using this wiki I also started describing LOP and THELOP ideas (as an experiment and to keep a promise of documenting them). These ideas are very far from the main stream and only a few people seem to get something out of them. I also suggested to redraw these pages if they aren't appropriate for this wiki, but I wasn't really urged to do so. -- HelmutLeitner ---- Main pages: * LanguageOrientedProgramming * LanguageOrientedProgrammingDiscussion * LanguageIndependentProgramming * VirtualOrder * VirtualStructure * VirtualObject * VirtualClass * DoItRightTheFirstTime (make names consistent) * ThelopLanguage * ThelopDictionary * ThelopDictionaryDiscussion * ThelopLanguageFaq * ThelopWord * ThelopWordExample * ThelopWordClass * ThelopName * ThelopNameExample * ThelopNamePattern * ThelopRule * ThelopProgramming Just Terms: * LopHostLanguage * LopLanguage * ThelopSentence * ThelopHostLanguage * NameSignature * ThelopNameSignature * ThelopWordSignature * WordSignature Miscelleanous: * FacadeFunction ---- CategoryCategory