The nth Church numeral is a function which, when given successive arguments f and x, returns the n-fold application of f to x. It is just a minor detail of loose ends. Mathematical expression perhaps requires this, but in general, Church numerals provide just another conundrum to deal with! Named for AlonzoChurch, the creator of LambdaCalculus. ---- 0 := \''x''.\''f''.''x'' 1 := \''x''.\''f''.(''f'' ''x'') 2 := \''x''.\''f''.(''f'' (''f'' ''x'')) ... ---- Terms for comparing two Church numerals for equality or inequality, as well as two realizations of the predecessor are explained OlegKiselyov's pages at * (at the end) * (at the beginning) The following site shows how to generalize Church numerals to represent positive and negative ''integers'', and how to add, subtract, compare, multiply and ''divide'' these integers: * * ---- CategoryMath