Books on the topic of CleanroomSoftwareEngineering: * [ISBN: 0471548235] The Cleanroom Approach to Quality Software Development (Wiley Series in Software Engineering Practice) -- "Describes the first practical attempt to place software development under statistical quality control and to deliver software with a known and certified meantime to failure. Shows how to improve productivity during software development using statistical design methods, and gives guidelines for writing more precise specifications, building simpler designs and avoiding error rework." * [ISBN: 1878289349] CleanroomSoftwareEngineering Practices (Series in Software Engineering Management) -- a "how to" book. * [ISBN: 0201854805] CleanroomSoftwareEngineering: Technology and Process (SEI Series in Software Engineering) -- on what it is; heavy on CapabilityMaturityModel for Software (CMM). * CleanroomSoftwareDevelopmentEmpiricalEvaluation: Chapter 16 of SoftwareStateOfTheArt is a reprint of "Cleanroom Software Development: An Empirical Evaluation," a scientific study of the benefits of using the cleanroom development method. * [ISBN: 0201385953] Toward Zero-Defect Programming, by Allan M. Stavely, is a book describing a variant of Cleanroom. ----- CategoryMethodology, CategoryBooks