We did this with good success on my most recent project. On each CodeReviewDay, we gathered one expert with two or three coders who had been working on different classes within the same package. We then projected the code of each class under review up on the wall and walked through it as a group, noting errors and style infractions. -- RobertEikel ''I do same thing, but we usually FIX errors and style infractions right there. Bigger errors and typical infractions (e.g., messed up Javadoc - it is always messed up) we mark with FIXME comments'' --AlexeyVerkhovsky ------ It seems to me that a blind walkthrough is 10% CodeReview and 90% time better spent doing DeskChecking. -- JeremyCromwell ''Actually, no - DeskChecking doesn't help passing knowledge of language idioms and elements of good style around. Besides, reviews like this have dynamics similar to PairProgramming. I do it regularly with junior programmers, and it is never waste of time.'' -- AlexeyVerkhovsky ---- Or, you could do PairProgramming, go faster, get better results. No ... never mind. ---- CategoryCoding