I'm building a new class running Kent's tests (with a few added). We decided to steal the notion of building the collection by reading a chunk of values from a readStream on the collection. We'll use the "Fair Share" algorithm, which gives the first participant 1/Nth of the collection, the next 1/(N-1) of what's left, and so on down to (1/1) for the last participant. We'll keep track of the number of shares as yet undelivered, and the number of items left to share out, and of course the reader: Object subclass: #FairPartitioner instanceVariableNames: 'numberOfShares amountRemaining reader ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: ''! We build a CLASS creation method to make an instance ... collection: aCollection shares: anInteger ^self new setCollection: aCollection shares: anInteger And a CLASS method to answer the collected shares ... segment: aCollection into: anInteger | partitioner | partitioner := self collection: aCollection shares: anInteger. ^(1 to: anInteger) collect: [ :each | partitioner nextCollection] Now for the INSTANCE side. Our private set method initializes the variables: setCollection: aCollection shares: anInteger reader := aCollection readStream. numberOfShares := anInteger. amountRemaining := aCollection size Below, in #nextAmount, we compute the number of items to give to the current shareholder. That number is just 1/N of the amount remaining, where N is the number of shares left to give out. Having allocated those items, we reduce the amount remaining and the number of shares left to give out. nextAmount |result | result := amountRemaining // numberOfShares. amountRemaining := amountRemaining - result. numberOfShares := numberOfShares - 1. ^result Finally we answer the next collection, by reading the correct number of items from the reader. nextCollection ^reader next: self nextAmount ---- '''Assessment:''' In my opinion, the key method, in this version #nextAmount, now contains all the magic. However, that method remains surprising and hard to understand. Without a comment about FairShare, the reader, once he decodes what the method does, will be at a loss as to why it happens. I'm still not satisfied ... but I've invested more than enough were it not for the learning experience. --RonJeffries ---- Here, for the record, is the test case class: "Filed out from Dolphin Smalltalk/98 release 1.1"! TestCase subclass: #BetterSegmenterTestCase instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: ''! !BetterSegmenterTestCase methodsFor! classToTest ^FairPartitioner! testBigger | input result | input := 1 to: 20. result := self classToTest segment: input into: 3. self should: [result asArray = #(#(1 2 3 4 5 6 ) #(7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ) #(14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ) ) ]! testBigger2 | input result | input := 1 to: 20. result := self classToTest segment: input into: 5. self should: [result asArray = #(#(1 2 3 4 ) #(5 6 7 8 ) #(9 10 11 12 ) #(13 14 15 16 ) #(17 18 19 20 ) ) ]! testOneOne | input result | input := #(1). result := self classToTest segment: input into: 1. self should: [result asArray = #((1))]! testRon | input result | input := #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10). result := self classToTest segment: input into: 3. self should: [result asArray = #(#(1 2 3 ) #(4 5 6 ) #(7 8 9 10 ) ) ]! testThreeTwo | input result | input := #(1 2 3). result := self classToTest segment: input into: 2. self should: [result asArray = #(#(1 ) #(2 3 ) ) ]! testTwoOne | input result | input := #(1 2). result := self classToTest segment: input into: 1. self should: [result asArray = #((1 2))]! testTwoTwo | input result | input := #(1 2). result := self classToTest segment: input into: 2. self should: [result asArray = #((1) (2))]! ! ---- How about changing the test cases so they will work for any partitioning algorithm: testAllCombinationsLessThan20 0 to: 20 do: [:each | 1 to: 20 do: [:segSize | | result | result := self classToTest segment: (1 to: each) into: segSize. self testResults: result isIncludedIn: (1 to: each). self testSegmentSizes: result]] With textResults:isIncludedIn: and testSegmentSizes: defined as: testResults: aCollectionOfSegments isIncludedIn: aCollection | reader | reader := aCollection readStream. aCollectionOfSegments do: [:segment | segment do: [:each | self should: [reader next = each]]] testSegmentSizes: aCollectionOfSegments | min max | aCollectionOfSegments isEmpty ifTrue: [^self]. min := aCollectionOfSegments inject: aCollectionOfSegments first size into: [:sum :each | sum min: each size]. max := aCollectionOfSegments inject: 0 into: [:sum :each | sum max: each size]. self should: [min + 1 >= max] --JohnBrant ''Yes, if I had come up with any more algorithms that generated slightly different but conformant partitions, I would have! It was starting to tick me off changing to another legal answer!''