If you are waging war, the whole world looks like a battlefield; if you are keeping a civil tone and trying to see non-malicious purpose in others actions, the whole world looks more like a community. -- RonJandrasi
"The understanding gap has grown sufficiently threatening that it deserves to be addressed seriously. I believe that a certain kind of dialogue holds the key to creating greater cohesiveness among groups of Americans increasingly separated by difference in values, interests, status, politics, professional backgrounds, ethnicity, language and convictions. Fortunately for our civilization, we are living in an era of enormous dynamism, creativity, and innovation. Perhaps more than ever before, Americans are willing to experiment and adapt to change. Once the understanding gap is understood better than it is today, the energy, creativity, and will needed to close it will pour forth in abundance. When that happens, as it must, the skill needed to master the art of dialogue will become critical." 

--DanielYankelovich (From his book ''TheMagicofDialogue'')
See: PositiveDialogueCommunity DevelopingIdeasUsingCommunityDialogue