''I'm interested in finding the "Community of Experts". This page points to some results, plus a page in search for them '' DonaldNoyes.20121118 ---- '''Google Search''' Cataloging and Classification * http://www.oclc.org/support/documentation/worldcat/cataloging/ece/default.htm ** The overriding principles of the Expert Community: *** ''"First, do no harm." Please use the same care in editing an existing master record as you would use in creating a new record'' *** NEVER remove **** ''correct and accurate information from a master record (such as classification numbers or subject headings) simply because your institution does not find it useful'' *** NEVER change **** ''the basic nature of a master bibliographic record into something different'' *** AVOID **** ''including local data or local practices'' *** Be cautious **** ''about changing bibliographic records with a different Language of Cataloging'' Kuhn - StructureOfScientificRevolutions * http://userwww.service.emory.edu/~mhalber/Research/Guides/kuhn.html ** Kuhn's work *** ''became prominent to some degree because people sought to apply his paradigm concepts ... and through interaction among a community of experts'' OrganizationalDevelopment ** Persons - http://strengthsnet.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=113&Itemid=117 ** Stakeholders and AcceptanceQuotient - http://strengthsnet.com/component/content/article/158 Yahoo Search * Bing Search * Related: * ExpertSystems * ExpertsSystem