The Concept Permutation Emergent Property Structure which I call an EndemeSet is a structure in which the relative priorities of concepts can be placed. Usually I list 22 concepts and then order them into an endeme to store a piece of information. That piece of information is an emergent property. Here is an example: Identity Name fields EndemeSet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV| ----------------------+ A |A. Alias B P |B. Best/preferred C F |C. Complete/full D L |D. Documentary/literary E S |E. Engaged's/spouse's FG |F. First/given G |G. Generational H |H. Handle I |I. Internet J L |J. Judicial/Legal name F K |K. Kinship/father's F L |L. Last/family M |M. Mother's N |N. Name O |O. Old P |P. Professional C Q |Q. Quit/cut endeme R V|R. Responsibility/virtual S |S. Suffix P T |T. Title/prefix U |U. Unknown identity C |V. child's ----------------------+ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV| maiden name = NLGO occupational name = PT like to be called = NB second middle name = LF former first name = FO birthday = DG Internet name = NI Internet alias = AI Internet handle = HI nickname = NH known pseudonym = NA hidden pseudonym = AN pseudonym = ADQ Is not intended to be interpreted past the Q in this case. Jon Robb Grover Jonathan Jack jonrgrover Random Axess Jon Grover Jonny Smith Tunney MD III Mr Jeffrey ''Why is the above useful or desirable?'' EndemeSet''''''s make it possible or easier to: * Index unorderable information * Automate decision making * Construct mutual languages between data formats or between people and data * Allocate resources * Build InformationModel''''''s * Build an InformationLayer that makes what is behind the scenes in a program more similar to what the customer/user needs than data is. * Reduce interface complexity between multiple systems using an information layer as a central conversion layer * Reduce space requirements for sparsely used structured data structures such as xml * Reduce the number of screens for sparsely used data * Manage people and groups with more precision * Help users find buttons, and functions in a large complex menu hierarchy or application * Support a certain amount of natural language * Computational/artificial creativity * Partner human creativity with computer creativity * Add fields to a UI that have not been thought of until the user needs them * Build genetic algorithms * Perform signature recognition * Identify overlooked possibilities in a domain -- JonGrover ''How do EndemeSet''''''s make it possible or easier to do the above?'' ''In partial answer to my own question, I found a better example at'' ''It's a simple dictionary encoding scheme. By way of analogy, in the same manner that XML generalises HTML, it seems to be an attempt at generalising the concept behind GeekCode.'' CategoryEndemeSet, CategoryInformationOrientation