Whenever you write something here and you're about to sign it, ask yourself why. 1 To keep the thread straight * Refactor to document mode * Oftentimes the page cannot be meaningfully refactored until more ThreadMode discussion has occurred. But consider applying RefactorByCondensingQuestionAnswerPair when you respond. 1 To take credit * DoNotWorryAboutTheCredit - it is amazing what one can accomplish if one does not care who gets the credit. 1 To take responsibility, so people know who to blame for edits. * DontBlameJustDo. Instead of worrying about who made the change, why not just fix it? 1 Different authors' opinions carry different weights * This is an AntiPattern. Contributions should be judged on their merits, not by who made them. ** Of course, if I'm not familiar with technology Foo and well-respected, and well-versed Userbar makes one comment about it, but well-known to be technologicially challenged Userbaz makes a contradictory comment, I'm going to go with Userbar's opinion until I have need to do further research on my own. Consider also adding your name to the Contributors list instead of adding a signed comment. This tends to keep the page in DocumentMode, and is a useful middle ground between signed threads and DoNotWorryAboutTheCredit. ---- See RealNamesPlease RealNamesPleaseDiscussion UsingSignatures WithoutSignature