''C++ Templates: The Complete Guide '' by DavidVandevoorde & NicolaiJosuttis AddisonWesley 2003 http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51X31RXCRVL._AA240_SH20_.jpg [ISBN: 0-201-73484-2]. This is a comprehensive guide to the nuts and bolts of CeePlusPlus templates. It fits in well alongside some of the books in the CppInDepthSeries which show how various techniques can be applied. ---- One thing which is in here I have never seen anywhere else. It is the idea of PromotionTraits, which permit control of the return type of a function depending upon the type of the arguments. I have been able to use this to resolve some difficult problems of OperatorOverloading. -- JohnFletcher TheCppStandardLibrary is also by Josuttis. There is now a new edition of that. ---- * I wondered if there would be a new edition of this book too. Then I looked to see. It is necessary to wait until mid 2015. * http://www.amazon.com/C-Templates-David-Vandevoorde/dp/0321714121/ref=dp_ob_title_bk -- JohnFletcher ---- See also TooFewTemplateParameterLists SubstitutionFailureIsNotAnError ArgumentDependentNameLookup ---- CategoryBook CategoryCppTemplates CategoryCpp