See, among many other pages on the web, From that page ''mass mobilization of urban Chinese youth inaugurated by Mao Zedong, attempting to prevent development of a bureaucratized Soviet style of communism'' That is an odd characterization of the Cultural Revolution- the rhetoric surrounding it had more to do with possible infiltration by capitalists... think McCarthyism, times 100, on steroids- then double that, and shoot a lot of people in the streets for good measure. The cultural revolution, while not as bloody as the GreatLeapForward, was largely dedicated to eradicating all vestiges of China's traditional culture, and targeted anyone connected with China's traditions, be they scholars, cooks, or players of Wei'Qi. China is recovering from it, but the recovery is not yet complete, and may never be. A good book is Jean Daubier's HISTOIRE DE LA REVOLUTION CULTURELLE PROLETARIENNE EN CHINE (1965-1969), translated into English as A HISTORY OF THE CHINESE CULTURAL REVOLUTION.