See CurlLanguage From The Curl Programming Environment Dr. Dobb's Journal September 2001 ---- || File: start2.curl || Contents: || This applet allows to enter a value to a Text''''''Field || The prompt and result will be shown with funny, jumping letters || Author: Friedger Mueffke || Version: 1.2 {curl 1.5 applet} {import * from MUEFFKE.COMPONENTS.LETTERBOX, location="letterbox.curl"} || Create a document without margins and scrollbars || that it can neatly integrated in a HTML document {document-style Plain''''''Document} || Define function that fetches a string from a web site {define-proc {get-web-string}:String {let nr: int = {value {let rand:Linear''''''Random={Linear''''''Random}} { 0, 6} }, result: String ="Welcome" } {try let intext: Text''''''Input''''''Stream = {read-open{url "txt.php3?nr=" & nr}} {set result={{}.to-String}} {intext.close} catch err: Missing''''''File''''''Exception do {error "Cannot find that file. Sorry!"} } {return result} } || Declare a global variable without instanziation {let c:#Letter''''''Box} || The output of this environement is its last line {value {set || Define Canvas containing the letters c={Letter''''''Box "Enter your Name", width=10cm, height=5cm, background="black" } } {let || Define Text''''''Field to enter a value tf:Text''''''Field={Text''''''Field {on Value''''''Finished do {if (tf.value != null ) then {do {c.set-string ({get-web-string} & " " & tf.value)} {c.move-string-to-center} } } } } } {c.add tf, x=1cm, y=1cm } c } || This environment doesn't produce any output! || Resize the Letter Box to a size of 500 x 400 pixel {do {set c.height=c.points-per-pixel*400} {set c.width=c.points-per-pixel*500} } || File: start2.curl || Contents: || This applet allows to enter a value to a Text''''''Field || The prompt and result will be shown with funny, jumping letters || Author: Friedger Mueffke || Version: 1.2 {curl 1.5 applet} {import * from MUEFFKE.COMPONENTS.LETTERBOX, location="letterbox.curl"} || Create a document without margins and scrollbars || that it can neatly integrated in a HTML document {document-style Plain''''''Document} || Define function that fetches a string from a web site {define-proc {get-web-string}:String {let nr: int = {value {let rand:Linear''''''Random={Linear''''''Random}} { 0, 6} }, result: String ="Welcome" } {try let intext: Text''''''Input''''''Stream = {read-open{url "txt.php3?nr=" & nr}} {set result={{}.to-String}} {intext.close} catch err: Missing''''''File''''''Exception do {error "Cannot find that file. Sorry!"} } {return result} } || Declare a global variable without instanziation {let c:#Letter''''''Box} || The output of this environement is its last line {value {set || Define Canvas containing the letters c={Letter''''''Box "Enter your Name", width=10cm, height=5cm, background="black" } } {let || Define Text''''''Field to enter a value tf:Text''''''Field={Text''''''Field {on Value''''''Finished do {if (tf.value != null ) then {do {c.set-string ({get-web-string} & " " & tf.value)} {c.move-string-to-center} } } } } } {c.add tf, x=1cm, y=1cm } c } || This environment doesn't produce any output! || Resize the Letter Box to a size of 500 x 400 pixel {do {set c.height=c.points-per-pixel*400} {set c.width=c.points-per-pixel*500} }