---- In order to make this discussion interactive, * click * (you will find yourself in an edit screen box) * type 4 dashes and then your name '''''before''''' the existing '''''4''''' dashes * Hit enter twice and then write message leaving an empty line between paragraphs. * Click the SAVE button on top of the edit screen and click again DanWells ----Steve: hhhh ----Daniel: I'm learning COBOL. It's so cool and the course is two months ----Judy: What's doing today? ----SusannahWilliams: Most of us use the TextFormattingRules and sign our names -- SusannahWilliams You could just put a link to GoodStyle and consider that most people who comment on your HomePage probably know how to use Wiki and the conventional formatting ways of WikiWikiWeb if you wanted :) or not -- sw ---- CategoryHomePage