I'm a software guy from Connecticut. I've been doing J2EE software for large corporations for my whole career, but I just joined a small company (6 employees) doing .Net. Time for a change! One of the things the guys at the new job are interested in is a way to gather more documentation. I think a wiki is a good start, so I'm partially here to learn more about using one. Besides that, I'd like to contribute to the original wiki, where I can. It's kind of wild, hanging out with such luminaries. =) I also just finished my B.S., after about 10 years of full- and part-time study, and 6 years of full-time working. I'm getting back to browsing the wiki, programming for fun, and blogging. I hope to maybe learn more math, or learn about compiler theory and programming languages. I (am/used to be) a musician. I'm way out of practice, even for someone who was never very serious, but it's still a lot of fun. I post at http://invisibleblocks.wordpress.com. ---- CategoryHomePage