Founder of UserLand and creator of UserlandFrontier scripting environment. Started out MacOs-only, now on Windows and MacOsx. Started out as generic environmental scripting language, morphed into web app server (has built-in "object database").

ManilaByDaveWiner is a Frontier-based weblogging environment. He offers free Manila-based sites at and and

Umm... maybe no longer (15 June 2004): ''Without any prior notice, Dave Winer removed access to 3,000 weblogs hosted by Userland at Bloggers have been told that if they ask nicely, they may have their data back next month.'' The takedown has not affected paid-for blogs.

It's being called Winergate 2004...

'''Dave's own comment, sort of:'''

''So e.g. is just gone, with no warning? ('Though yesterday there was a comment that they were experiencing odd difficulties.) Where is there more info about this? Offhand I don't see anything at itself.''

LtU is still there (at least, they were a couple of hours ago, and they had a post talking about the issue). They're working on relocating to a new server, i believe, and at least two people have complete archives, iirc.

''Lambda the ultimate wasn't responding earlier when I tried to look, but it came back, and although apparently they'll be moving it, it might not be one of the ones that is disappearing instantly.''

''Weblogs discontinuance announcement:''

The new home will apparently be

Writes his own WebLog fanatically at

Also author of XmlRpc and co-author of the SimpleObjectAccessProtocol with DonBox.


In the Web development world, Winer has a reputation as a thinker and good developer, and also as whiny, egocentric, and occasionally dissembling and petty. Eventually everyone who interacts with him gets flamed by Dave Winer. Some people decide his contributions to the software world make it worth putting up with his eccentricities. Others don't (see MarkPilgrim).

Author of the 1982 BBS "LBBS" that was very popular and influential, e.g. sired the "Stuart II" BBS I frequented back then.


Dave is a WebAuthor