'''A page is called DefinitionOfLife if it is a StrawMan for RichardKulisz to use to play vicious pranks on this community.''' No it's not. A page can be called DefinitionOfLife just because that's its title. It doesn't need to have anything to do with RichardKulisz. ''You fat bloated idiot! Of course it has to do with RichardKulisz! It's all about RichardKulisz! When the fuck are you going to realize the fucking truth that it's all about fucking RichardKulisz!?!'' Um, hello? Do I know you? ''You know nothing! You are a fool! A degraded imbecile without a skerick of an idea about the real DefinitionOfDefinitionOfLife!'' All I'm saying is that the DefinitionOfLife doesn't have to be about RK. It doesn't even have to be a WikiPage. ''You don't even have to be alive! It is completely obvious that we have all been over this so many times that everyone agrees with the DefinitionOfDefinitionOfLife. And if you don't, you are a WikiVandal!'' Perhaps we should all calm down and consider the DefinitionOfDefinitionOfLife here. Certainly this definition does seem to cover the subject. I for one agree with it. ''You see? You all see? I'm right! I'm right and you're all wrong! Now stop editing this page and let it stand for all time as a testimonial to me! Me! Me, do you hear? Me!'' Um, who? ---- CategoryHumor CategoryWiki