''Designing Information Systems in the Postmodern Age: From Method to Metaphor'', by Richard Coyne http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0262032287.01._PI_PE_SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg ISBN: 0262032287 This book takes a look at the influence modern (and postmodern) philosophical thought has had on information systems design. Of particular interest is the rise of Pragmatism. Pragmatism describes theory as simply another form of practice which may or may not have any bearing on other practices (like real-life systems development). The focus turns, then, to what people actually do in practice, not so much what they ''should'' do. The pattern movement fits squarely in this larger movement. Worth reading to get this larger context. ----- ''Could anyone tell me what an InformationSystem is, and what separates it from other kinds of software? -- AndersBengtsson'' ----- The abstract above seems to refer to the discipline of InformationSystems that is nicely summarized in http://www.anu.edu.au/people/Roger.Clarke/SOS/ISFundas.html as follows: "'Information Systems' (IS) is the study of information production, flows and use within organisations." Obviously, software is central to IS, and a lot of IS research, for example, investigates how the use and development of software to change the organization occurs (sometimes focusing on social/political issues, such as reluctancy to adopt new systems due to related consequences in power structures etc.). -- ToniAlatalo ---- CategoryBook