''A Discipline Of Programming'' by EwDijkstra http://images.amazon.com/images/P/013215871X.01._SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg ISBN 013215871X Author Edsger W. Dijkstra introduces A Discipline of Programming with the statement, "My original idea was to publish a number of beautiful algorithms in such a way that the reader could appreciate their beauty." Dijkstra achieves this goal and accomplishes a great deal more. He begins by considering the questions: * "What is an algorithm?" * "What are we doing when we program?" These questions lead him to an interesting digression on the semantics of programming languages. Dijkstra then delivers, as promised, a collection of beautiful algorithms. * These algorithms are far ranging, covering mathematical computations, various kinds of sorting problems, pattern matching, convex hulls, and more. The value in reading A Discipline of Programming is to absorb and understand the way that Dijkstra thought about these problems, which for some, is more valuable than to have a collection of a thousand algorithms. ---- Related: * Reviews of book at ''www.bookshelved.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ADisciplineOfProgramming'' * http://www.geek-central.gen.nz/peeves/programming_discipline.html ---- CategoryBook