One interesting property of the DFT is that you can use it to multiply ArbitraryPrecision integers quickly. If x and y are two (at most) n-digit numbers, you can compute xy mod 2^N + 1 (where N >= 2n * 2^k + k and 2^k divides 2^N) by the following algorithm: Given: routines DFT (v), IDFT (v), which compute, respectively, the discrete Fourier and inverse discrete Fourier transforms of v def fft_multiply (x, y): if n is not a power of 2: let k be the least power of 2 > n pad x and y with zeros until they are both k digits long. (the DFT algorithm likes its input to be of size a power of 2) split x and y into vectors with components consisting of 2^k digits each. Call these vectors x[] and y[]. let k be the number of digits in x and y. let X = DFT (x[]) and Y = DFT (y[]). (X and Y are also vectors of length k) let X @ Y be the componentwise product of X and Y. (i.e. (X@Y)_{i} = X_i * Y_i) return IDFT (X @ Y) It looks like magic, but it relies on something called the ConvolutionTheorem, which says precisely that IDFT (DFT(x) @ DFT (y)) = x * y. Anyway, I thought this was pretty cool. :-) You can get more details at: * *önhage-Strassen_algorithm * --PaulMiller ---- CategoryMath CategoryAlgorithm