A DistributedMind operates like TheBorg in StarTrek. It is a cross between a HiveMind and a CollectiveIntelligence. A DistributedMind has a set of autonomous agents who collectively form one idea, but the agents don't have individual thoughts. Instead, the CollectiveIdea is formed from the collective brain power and stimulus of all the minds in the system. Like a HiveMind, there is only one idea for the group; however, unlike a HiveMind, the idea isn't imposed from one individual. You can consider a DistributedMind like a distributed calculation like SetiAtHome. Perhaps a DistributedMind better fits the term, "TheCollective" than a CollectiveIntelligence's society if only because of StarTrek. If it makes you feel warmer inside, Jane from EndersGame (well, SpeakerForTheDead) is also a DistributedMind. [CategorySociety] ---- An ExtremeProgramming team is very much like a BorgCollective. (As TheBorg were originally introduced in "Q Who," that is; not as they were transformed in later episodes and the movie.) * TheBorg make decisions as a collective. As "Q Who" explains, this minimizes the kinds of mistakes that a single individual might make. * PairProgramming is a small-scale example of this kind of collective thinking. * Borg vessels do not have localized specialized subsystems. (For example, there is no centralized navigation system, or centralized defense system, etc.) Rather, this functionality is distributed throughout the vessel. * ExtremeProgramming teams practice CollectiveCodeOwnership. * As a result of the distrubuted nature of systems on Borg vessels, a Borg vessel can not be disabled by damage to a small area (or to a few small areas). * One result of CollectiveCodeOwnership is that the TruckNumber is high. * TheBorg have the ability to "analyze and adapt." * An ExtremeProgramming team practices ReFactor ing. * TheBorg waste no effort. Every action has a purpose, and nothing is done until it the need is demonstrated. For example, when the landing party from the Enterprise was exploring the Borg vessel, the Borg did not make any effort to interfere, because they did not perceive the landing party as a threat, and hence interference with the party was not needed. * An ExtremeProgramming team practices YouArentGonnaNeedIt. * TheBorg assimilate alien technologies. * An ExtremeProgramming team practices ExtremeReuse, which includes use of third-party components. * TheBorg kick ass. * Because of their eXtreme success, natural confidence, and single-minded obsession, ExtremeProgramming teams can generate lots of Fear and Loathing among the surrounding species. ''You have it wrong. TheBorg only has one personality. An XP team has several. XpIsaCollectiveIntelligence, not a DistributedMind.''