Distributed RubyLanguage module, written completely in Ruby. By MasatoshiSeki. DRb is included with Ruby 1.8. See also: http://raa.ruby-lang.org/list.rhtml?name=druby Any object can be published on a port on the computer, there's no need for compiling stubs etc. Includes a TupleSpace''''''s implementation. It also includes a Jini-like (service autodiscovery) system named Ring (see RubyRingServer). ---- It is amazingly simple to use, especially when compared to JavaLanguage's RemoteMethodInvocation. Below is the complete source code for a "HelloWorld"-server: require 'drb' class Example''''''Server def hello "hello world" end end DRb.start_service("druby://localhost:1234", Example''''''Server.new) DRb.thread.join Here's the client: require 'drb' DRb.start_service srv = DRbObject.new(nil, "druby://localhost:1234") p srv.hello ---- EricHodel probably has the best English writeup. You can read his stuff on his website: http://www.segment7.net/projects/ruby/drb/ ---- CategoryRuby