AKA DecentralizedVersionControl. A class of VersionControl systems where multiple users/machines can have mirrors of the repository. They can be used to implement local branches, offline operation and decentralized control of a project. Examples: * BazaarVersionControl * BitKeeper * CodeVille * DARCS (DavidsAdvancedRevisionControlSystem) * git (GitVersionControl) * GnuArch * MercurialVersionControl (http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/) * MonoTone * SVK (SvkVersionControl) ---- Anyone have any experience to compare D''''''istributedVersionControlVsClearcase? The web is painfully silent on this question.... -- BillTrost IBM's ClearCase is a rather specific revision control system, and DistributedVersionControl is a rather broad abstraction. They don't seem like things that would ever be compared directly. On review of the ClearCase entry on the Wikipedia, it seems that ClearCase essentially provides a multi-user virtual filesystem (at $4250 per concurrent user, no less) with the basic checkout+locking approach to avoiding edit conflicts. It supports views and a number of other things... but, ultimately, one would be more tempted to compare it to other centralized-repository models such as ConcurrentVersionsSystem and SubVersion. DistributedVersionControl is, by nature, merge-based - each and every user has a what is, essentially a full-blown repository that completely tracks its own versions without implicitly contacting any other 'official' source (making 'official' a political designation, not a technical one.) DistributedVersionControl systems must, and do, provide considerable support for merging repositories and editing conflicts. ---- Apparently, my question wasn't particularly clear (but thanks for the response, whoever you are). I'm quite comfortable with both Mercurial and darcs, and have more CVS experience than I can stand, so I can compare the two intelligently. However, any attempt to understand what ClearCase does for you results in people blathering about how "powerful" it is. What's powerful? What can I do easily in ClearCase that I can't in Mercurial, and vice-versa? ---- DistributedVersionControl should merit DistributedBugTrackingSoftware. There are a few (BugsEverywhere and Ditz immediately come to mind) but none are, IMHO, mature enough yet. Does anyone have any suggestions? FIXMEs in the source code ;) ---- CategoryConfigurationManagement