Pen-name of TheodorGeisel. For software developers, these books are full of catenation and TailRecursion. Out of this world. Tempts children to imagine. And catalogs their lifestyles. ''Seuss ain't at all bad, and far better than anything that comes out of the mass media, but please don't let this be all you read your children. RudyardKipling's "Just So" stories, Grahame's ''Wind in the Willows,'' Lindsay's ''MagicPudding'' and of course AaMilne's ''WinnieThePooh'' are just as good if not better than Seuss. Older children will further appreciate Lofting's ''Doctor Dolittle'' series, White's ''Charlotte's Web,'' and Gibbs' ''Snugglepot & Cuddlepie.'' If you want your children to become extraordinary people, begin by reading them stories written by extraordinary people.'' When my rugrat started Pre-K they gave us a sign-up sheet for books we read every night. My immediate response was "What do they think we do all day?" So it soon got full of ''KrazyKat,'' ''The Artist Materials & Supplies Handbook,'' the screenplay to ''Monty Python and the Holy Grail,'' etc. ---- We second-generation Seussians see no bewildering transition from ''being read to'' to ''reading'' to ''reading to'' to ''being read to.'' -- PCP ---- CategoryAuthor