Hi I was once a student at VictoriaUniversityOfWellington, did my MSc with JamesNoble as supervisor, with a topic of adding Dynamic Aliasing Protection to a dynamic language, and then evaluating and extending this. As a member of the ElvisSoftwareDesignResearchGroup, I was one of the denizens of ElvisBrain; having bought into the whole Wiki thing, I developed my own SmartWiki (KiwiKiwi), and have at various times performed other feats of http://www.dis.org.nz/mcs/?WikiHacking. More stuff about me (well, not much really) is at http://www.dis.org.nz/. The WikiBoF at OOPSLA'04 reminded me that I haven't got around to enumerating some of the more useful wiki hacks that I've produced: * CombinedRecentChanges * WikiPublisher * requiring authentication for viewing of old page versions only (used when ElvisBrain became public) * the PmWiki WikiFarm patch * FanClubConcept * probably more... ---- CategoryHomePage