Hi, OasisProject team. Don't post anything secure; this site is open. but now you have your own whiteboard for putting up tips, links, etc. if the mood strikes you. ---- A simple handy Exceed-type tool for Windows/Unix (useful for remote PairProgramming?) is VNC from http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/index.html ---- It's worth reading http://www.xprogramming.com/publications/SP99%20Extreme%20for%20Web.pdf to reiterate the things we discussed about UnitTest''''''s versus FunctionalTest''''''s. Actually the best topic is ContinuousIntegrationRelentlessTesting. ---- Some Wiki links about XP: ExtremeProgramming and WikiPagesAboutTransitioningToExtremeProgramming ''(refactored to CategoryAdoptingXp)'' ---- The Extreme Programming Installed book is available at ftp://ftp.xprogramming.com/ftp/xpinstall.pdf -- the Java section referring to GUI testing is on pp. 231-256. ---- '''Messages:''' ---- Well this page has been refactored out of existence. (originally created in 1995). It's now intended for storage of ideas and such for the OasisProject team.