The idea that you can enhance the focus on content and reduce the learning curve of using wikis for collaboration by: 1. Simplifying or eliminating the need for learning TextFormattingRules to add content. 2. Making explicit the hidden CommunityExpectations for things such as making comments in ThreadMode versus making edits in DocumentMode. Some example ideas include: 1. WysiwygWiki - But see WhyWhatYouSeeIsWhatYouGetWorksNot 2. DiscussButton - See TikiWiki for an implementation, and research from Georgia Tech on how features such as this benefit collaboration. 3. Enhanced SocialNavigation - Another community norm you see of participants in Wikis is RecentChangeJunkies. See this essay ( for an example of how modifying a wiki to provide even more social information (about specific traffic and page changes) enhances collaboration.