Once upon a time, [1], [2], [3], [4] used to refer to remote references. Every EditText page had a link to a special EditLinks page, where you could set the URLs to this references. See FixingLinks on what to do about it if you stumble across a [1], [2], [3] or [4]. ---- ''(If only I could do a full text search for "[1]", I could fix all the EditLinks old-style links that have been broken. )-:'' True - but, WardCunningham can probably use grep[?] and/or perl replace to clear these out, whereas us normal wiki users cannot. Only the operators at c2.com have true system access. ---- AnswerMe: Why was EditLinks abandoned? A similar mechanism has been proposed as one of the WikiSpamSolutions - ExternalLinkArea. Some pages seem to indicate that EditLinks suffered from some kind of abuse. What was the abuse? Would ExternalLinkArea also be vulnerable? -- MichaelSparks ---- CategoryWikiHistory