is a WikiBookmarklet, that gives you quick access to the EditPage: javascript:void(location.href = location.href.replace("?","?edit=")) You can adjust this bookmarklet easily to have a different size for the text area in the editor: javascript:void(location.href = location.href.replace("?","?rows=38&cols=135&edit=")) Of course you can modify this also to open another window for the EditPage javascript:void("?","?edit="))) ---- This version prompts you for the name of the page to edit: javascript:var Pge = prompt("Page to edit?",""); if ("" < Pge) {location.href = "" + Pge;} To use a new window for the editing, javascript:var Pge = prompt("Page to edit?",""); if ("" < Pge) {void"" + Pge);} (but this doesn't maximize the new window in MSIE). ---- TryLikePages